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Hysteria - Digital Single

Hysteria - Digital Single

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"Hysteria" was inspired by the predictability of the media. We turn on our TVs to watch the same helpless fear, the same finger-pointing, and the same suggested solutions as if we are watching reruns. These talking points could be applied to any tragic event. We watch as everyone has their part to play: the news anchors, the talk show hosts, the writers, and then, us, the viewers repeating these sound bites back and forth to one another without question, stirring up mass hysteria. Occasionally a new perspective finds its way into the narrative —an unexpected meme, a realistic solution, or missing facts. These things come and go and that’s all there is to them until the next orchestrated catastrophe...and there is always another catastrophe. 

"'Hysteria' offers a quirky pop style full of kaleidoscopic tones and carried by Abby London’s lofty and atmospheric vocal work." - Plastic Magazine

“'Hysteria' is the latest masterpiece by Abby that breaks down how people have believed the mainstream media as a god-sent message that cannot be questioned nor analyzed." - Medium

"While the arrangement expresses her sense of frustration, the movements from bold electronic beats to a light-hearted acoustic piano is ethereal and unexpected.“ - Nexus Music Blog 


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